‘Stand Againt Vaccinations’ Facebook group gets busy after ‘upgrade’

For awhile now, I’ve been an admin of the “Stand Against Vaccinations..Find Out the TRUTH” group on Facebook. It was founded as an anti-vaccine group, a place where people could spew misinformation that puts their own an other people’s children at risk. Various members were also pushing homeopathy, chiropractic and various other quack treatments, even … [Read more…]

Antivaxxers attempt a scientific survey and fail

An oft-repeated chant of the antivax brigade is that the MMR vaccine causes autism. Of course, this link has been debunked in countless studies, including a Danish study which compared 400,000 vaccinated children to 100,000 unvaccinated children and found no difference in the autism rate between the two groups. Unsatisfied, some antivaxxers try to move … [Read more…]

The most pathetic antivax photo ever?

As an admin of the Facebook group “Stand Against Vaccinations..Find Out the TRUTH” (a group which ran out of antivax admins and was taken over by a sane person) I’m privileged to the finest in antivax tripe. However, I’ve just seen something that really tips the scales. John Best, a man with presidential aspirations, has … [Read more…]

Daily Express Antivaccine Paranoia

Following the embarrassment of their coverage of the Andrew Wakefield saga, you would have thought that gutter tabloids like the Daily Express would have learned their lessons when it comes to the issue of vaccination. Sadly not, as their “health editor” Lucy Johnston has written an unscientific scaremongering article critical of the vaccine Pandemrix, one … [Read more…]