As an admin of the Facebook group “Stand Against Vaccinations..Find Out the TRUTH” (a group which ran out of antivax admins and was taken over by a sane person) I’m privileged to the finest in antivax tripe. However, I’ve just seen something that really tips the scales. John Best, a man with presidential aspirations, has just informed everyone of his mode of transport:
Naturally, I questioned the authenticity of this photo, thinking that a fellow provaxer had made it in photo shop in order to take the piss. This is the response I got:
That’ll convince the masses…
It kind of reminds me of Milhouse from the Simpsons: “If it’s stenciled on the side of a shitty old car, it’s got to be true!”
A timely and (presumably Mr Best) balanced book review in Nature
For those who don’t have access to Nature online – I should have said the book is:
The Panic Virus: A True Story of Medicine, Science, and Fear by Seth Mnookin Simon & Schuster: 2011. 410 pp. $26.99
And the review by Melvin Konner is a good read. I am sure other reviews can be found online. The US Amazon site for example has several reviews.