Thank you Portsmouth Skeptics!

Last Thursday I was very kindly invited to Portsmouth to give my talk on the scientific method to the Portsmouth ‘Skeptics in the Pub’ group. I had a great time, and I think that the subject matter certainly got people talking. I’d like to thank everyone who was very welcoming, my ‘test subjects’ during the … [Read more…]

Are YOU a skeptic?

I’ve considered myself to be a skeptic for over a year now, and although I’m very new to the movement, one thing does strike me about it: there seems to be a lack of skeptical outreach, or if you will, ‘skeptical evangelism’. I would really love to see a concerted effort from within the skeptical … [Read more…]

It’s World Homeopathy Awareness Week!

The week of April 10th-16th sees the World Homeopathy Awareness Organization hold it’s World Homeopathy Awareness Week, so I thought I’d do my bit. People need to be aware that homeopathy doesn’t work, as various systematic reviews of it have shown. Not only that, it couldn’t possibly work, as homeopathic ‘remedies’ above 12C contain no … [Read more…]

So what if 9-11 was a conspiracy?

Before I address the deliberately provocative title of this post, I’d like to let people know that the videos of the Conspiracy Debate at MMU are now available on We Are Change Manchester’s YouTube channel. They were filmed by WACM, and show the debate between Steve and Paul which I covered on an earlier blog … [Read more…]