I thought I’d give a plug to one of my favourite podcasts, Skeptics With a K (or SWAK for short). Hosts and Merseyside Skeptics Society members Mike Hall, Michael “Marsh” Marshall and Colin Harris examine the latest issues in the skeptical world, which can include anything from religion, science, alternative medicine and paranormal bullshit to lots of vicars in a car and the hilarity of Michael McIntyre, all delivered with an irreverent and upbeat Northern charm. The podcast comes out every other Thursday, with the exception of next weeks which will be available to listen to live on Monday night!
PS thanks guys for giving me a name check last week, it’s the first time anyone’s ever referred to me as ‘skeptic canary’ I was well chuffed! :’)
Matt Holland
Agreed, it’s a good one. I’ve only just subscribed. Quality.