A trip to the brand new Museum of Liverpool

Earlier this week I was lucky enough to get an invite to an evening reception at the brand new Museum of Liverpool. Not being a native Liverpudlian, I found it very informative to learn about the history of the city, and overall I was very much impressed. Highlights include a scale model of what the original catholic cathedral was meant to be like, the views from either end, and numerous exhibits on the art, culture, history and sports of the city of Liverpool. I can highly recommend a visit! Here are a few pictures.

Model of Everton

4 models of West Everton through the ages. I've only taken this picture because you can see our flat in it! 🙂

Union Flag

Obviously I couldn't resist taking this picture! A Union Flag dating from the first World War.

View from the the north window

A splendid view from the north window4 models of Wet Everton through the ages. I've only taken this picture because you can see our flat in it! :)View from the south window

View of the north window

View of the north window

Boxing weight

The sports section has an area dedicated to local boxers. you can weight yourself, I just about creep into the heavyweight category!

Painting of Liverpool

A huge parnoramic painting of Liverpool, found on the top floor

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