I’ve just received news that I’ve been hoping to share since February: following on from the great success of this years event, it’s been confirmed that the Question Explore Discover conference (QEDcon) will be back in Manchester on the 10th and 11th of March next year! As if that wasn’t exciting enough, they’ve also revealed that because of QEDcon, £5,262 will be winging it’s way towards Sense About Science and the National Autistic Society. For a first conference, I think that’s outstanding! I for one will be keeping an eye on qedcon.org, and I’ve subscribed to their mailing list. I’m really looking forward to seeing who will be speaking there next year!
If it’s anywhere near as good as this year’s QEDcon, it will be an absolute blast! I loved the variety of the speakers, the entertainment, the focus on grassroots skepticism, the value, and most of all the general good atmosphere and bon ami. It was a great oppurtunity to have a chat with so many people who before only existed on Facebook and Twitter! It was where I cut my teeth on recording with iPadio, my biggest scoop being a chat with Jon Ronson.
In conclusion, I’m sure QEDcon2 (or whatever it decides to call itself) will be great. Just as an afterthought, does anyone know how much the last TAM London raised for charity?
It should surely be called… QE2.
Great news. I might actually come along this year – sounds like I missed out on a lot of good stuff.
Brilliant news Tom. Hopefully we can meet up there and say hi this time. I’ll definitely be going. If you don’t mind I’ll put a link to my humble podcast from QED in case any readers want a further flavour of the event.
QEDcon sounds like a great event Tom. I remember you blogging about it and feeling jealous.
Will next year’s event be woman-friendly or can I expect to be harrassed in a lift then dissed by Richard Dawkins? 🙂
I’d say last year’s QEDcon was very female friendly, plenty of female attendees and speakers. It certainly didn’t feel like a nerdy sausage-fest. You’ll notice that although I feel quite strongly about the whole Dawkins-Watson elevator thing, I’m not going to comment here because I don’t want my blog being dragged down into that particular quagmire!