fun stuff
Editing websites for fun and profit

If you’ve been following the Labour leadership contest, you might have noticed this parody of Tony Blair’s Comment Is Free piece doing the rounds: You may think it’s photoshopped, but it’s very simple to make something like this, and I’m going to show you how to do it! Start by opening up Google Chrome (you … [Read more…]
Playing Deepak Chopra’s “Leela” on Wii

Now, I’ve had an interest in the work of one Deepak Chopra for some time now, having invented, a site that generates quotes in his own almost-inimitable style. So, imagine my sarcastic joy when my brother Ed presented me with a copy of Leela, Deepak’s very own Wii game! I had to try it … [Read more…]
Raising money for the Liverpool Women’s Hospital with the Ignite Flag Challenge!
As you may know, our daughter Rosalind was born 10 weeks early on March 11th 2015. Everyone at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital did an absolutely fantastic job and she is now safely home. The least I can do is try and raise some money for the hospital, so to donate to my “Ignite Liverpool Flag … [Read more…]
A drinking game for skeptics!
The other night a group of us went out in Liverpool to celebrate my immenent 30th birthday. I had a great time and I’d like to thank everyone who turned up! Andrew Johnston, the Merseyside Skeptics Society board member we affectionately refer to as “AJ” (pronounced “Adj”), came up with a skeptic-based drinking game that … [Read more…]
Wisdom of Chopra is looking for a designer!
It’s been just over a month since I launched and my word has it been nuts! About six weeks ago I was told that I was going to be made redundant from my previous web development job, and for some reason I thought to myself “right then, I’ll make a website this weekend!”. Naturally, … [Read more…]
Presenting the Dana Ullman Button!
Strangely for a skeptic blog, I’ve yet to write anything about one Dana Ullman. In case you haven’t come across him before, Dana is a homeopath whose misleading, catty and disingenuous remarks in defence of his profession on Twitter and various blogs are legendary. Such exchanges inspired Kimball Atwood over at Science Based Medicine to … [Read more…]
CERN Comic Sans Rage Comic
The hunt for the elusive Higgs boson at CERN was slightly overshadowed by the fact that the presentation shown last week contained the infamous Comic Sans font. Twitter exploded in a cacophony of rage and bile, so I’ve made a little Rage comic (yes, I am obsessed with them) to parody the ridiculousness nature of … [Read more…]
Inductivism versus empiricism in a Rage comic
Tomorrow, I’ll be in Hackney talking about the scientific method. A key development in the scientific method occurred during the 20th century when Karl Popper worked to show the benefits of empirical falsification over classical inductivism. I’ve tried to sum up the difference between the two positions in a Rage comic. And why not? If … [Read more…]
An unexpected guest at the Merseyside Skeptics Society: Jesus!
Last Thursday, John Walliss from Liverpool Hope University gave a very interesting talk on “end of the world” cults (although I’m pretty sure that’s the wrong word for them). However, the guest of honour was in fact not John, but none other than Jesus Christ himself! In a superb and blatantly obvious piece of pareidolia, … [Read more…]